Pat TorpeyPaul GilbertEric MartinBilly SheehanRichie Kotzen

Here You can find Our profiles, and some information about people supporting us.

Our profiles!

Below are some words from us, who we are, what we do, and other usefull, or useless things. Read on, if you're interested...

Izabella Izabella Izabella


Izabella Karcz

She's the concept behind the site, the driving engine making all this live. Long term MR.BIG fan, whose adoration to the band is out of the limits of this world.

In real world, she's working hard all day, doing many interesting things. She's also a diligent student of english, deriving much fun from the lessons, and even more fun from passing the knowledge to others. And also, a poem writer, whose talents can be appreciated on her site here. On top of that she is a professional dancer of Country & Western and Irish traditional jig/reel/step, co-founder of dance group Sexy Texas (see Sexy Texas on MySpace), seen performing on tours in the whole Europe.

She can be contacted via e-mail:
delioncourt (at) nevergoodbye . com

Gabi Gabi


Gabriella Sułowska

Gabi, behind being one (of two!) of concept an idea givers, is precious student of something in Cracow, a young to-be-discovered writer, and, of course - a true MR.BIG fan! She created the first world-wide fanlisting of MR.BIG fans, which is also available on our page (see the links on the right).

She can be contacted via e-mail:
gabsu (at) nevergoodbye . com

Behind those young, talented, beautiful, intelligent, fascinating... etc, girls, is one gray-eminence technical geek making all this words, images, and metadata (whatever!), running together as smooth as possible. And no, I don't wanna give my pic here! :) - mwd


Very big Thank You! goes to:

  • Someone special - She's the one! Thanks for everything!
  • Beate - You're precious! Thanks for THE help in lyrics!
  • tomoko - thanks for the support, and giving us some of your precious...
  • Don Quixote - Thanks for helping us so much!
  • - You can help us, and get listed here!!!